While our front yard has been coming along nicely everything else has kind of been put to the backburner. If you have ever heard me talk about our backyard, you have probably heard me utter the words ugly and hate.
Our backyard is a giant deck, landscaping brick everywhere and a garage strategically located right in the middle of the yard.
While big plans are on the horizon for the backyard, these last two years haven't seen much use beyond being utilized as a painting area.
Marc, decided that for our first anniversary he would make that backyard a little bit more palatable. So with the help of his brother Dan, his sister-in-law Rachel and my mom Carol, Marc put together a pretty good backyard.
I couldn't believe that such a small change could make such a big difference. This last week I have found myself sitting out in my backyard enjoying it! All because of a patio set and a few planters.
I'm still looking forward to completely renovating the backyard, but for now, we are working with what we have and it's going pretty well.